An African proverb says: “Success in life largely depends on how you handle your failures.” People don’t like to fail, and they don’t want to talk about it. Yet, how they handle failures define who they are more so than their success. As anything, graceful, or...
In the U.S., the majority of public school systems offer parents the opportunity to enroll their child with autism in classes alongside non-disabled children. The idea behind this is the nurturing sense of being part of the academic community will assist the autistic...
Educators persistently strive for equality, and one approach is to change the way how one to speaks to others. Person-first language is a form of language etiquette that intentionally communicates a trait or condition as a person rather than their core identity. For...
One of the most important professions in our society is teaching as it touches every aspect of every community in some fashion. Famous author John Steinbeck once said, “I have come to believe that a great teacher is a great artist and there are as few as there are any...
Recent statistics from the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that autism manifests itself in roughly 1 of every 59 children. That’s up 15 percent from 2012, when a still-astounding 1 in every 68 kids across the United States was...