Patrick Jellum
Experienced Educator
About Patrick Jellum
Patrick Jellum has been working as an educator for more than thirty years. After graduating from the University of Nebraska, Lincoln with a degree in special education, he devoted his life to helping students receive a thorough education as well as pursue his passion for sports of all kinds.
Jellum’s first teaching job was with the Nebraska Public School system, after which he worked in Iowa as a teacher/counselor and special education case manager before teaching full-time. He taught basic grammar and life skills, but also updated and monitored IEPs for students assigned to special education programs. On a monthly basis, this number averaged to twenty-five students.
From there, Jellum returned to the Nebraska City Public School system. He was a special education teacher, but he also implemented vocational training classes and on the job training for career awareness for students within the school at large. He coached football, wrestling, and volleyball during his time there.
For a short stint after that, Jellum took a brief break from teaching to gain more experience with coaching. He was then employed by the East Grand School District where he taught for mild to moderate high school students in all grades. Here, he also served as the head coach of the school’s soccer and wrestling programs. In 2004 and 2006, Jellum received the Metropolitan Coach of the Year in Wrestling award, the Metropolitan Coach of the Year in Soccer award in 2007, and was chosen as the assistant coach for the 2001 Wrestling State championship team.

Since the 2008-2009 school year, he has taught in Adams District, Thornton, CO, as a special education teacher for mild-moderate students in grades 9-12. For his twenty-six students, Jellum maintained records of progress in academics, behaviors, and social areas, implemented a reading development program, and is working towards a transition program for students.
In addition to co-teaching Algebra and all levels of English, science, and social studies, Jellum also took on the role of assistant coach for the soccer and wrestling teams.
In addition to his teaching certificate, Jellum maintains coaching endorsements in wrestling, football, and soccer. He is certified in Instructional Decision Making, Colorado I.D.E.A and Section 504. Jellum is also trained in reading from Lindamood/Bell and Excent Computerized I.E.P Training and Transition training.
Jellum loves teaching and interacting with his students, and works hard to educate them both in the classroom and on the athletic fields.

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